Miko Core Plug™

Miko Core Plug™

Miko Core Plug

Vi har alle typer hylseplugger. Standard størrelser lagerføres og kan leveres umiddelbart.

Fordeler med våre hylseplugger:

  • Miljøriktige: Av gjenvunnet RPC eller også som trefiberkompositt WPC. Kan brukes flere ganger.
  • Solide: Tåler store trykk og temperaturforskjeller.
  • Hygeniske: Tar ikke opp fuktighet, lukt eller smitte.
  • Kostnadseffektive: Helautomatisert produksjon gir konkurransedyktige priser.

Miko Edge Protector™

Miko Edge Protector™

Våre kantbeskyttere lagerføres og er klare til umiddelbar levering.

Flere fordeler med Miko Edge Protector™:

  • Tåler store temperatursvingninger.
  • Utmerkede egenskaper ved stor belastning.
  • Miljøriktige og kostnadseffektive: Leveres av gjenvunnet materiale RPC og kan benyttes flere ganger.
  • Fungerer utmerket till mange typer gods som papirruller, betongelementer, gipsplater etc.

Enkelte land i Europa krever att utstyr till lastsikring er sertifisert for sikker veitransport. Våre kantbeskyttere er sertifisert av Dekra Automobil GmbH.


RPC™ is a range of paperroll securing products, made from 100% recycled PO Polyethylen/Polypropylen material.

  • No new fossil resources are used.
  • No waste or emissions are created during production
  • Production implies low energy consumption.
  • Closed loop system where material is re-used for new products.
  • The environmental benefits of RPC™ products help minimize the CO2 footprint compared with producing in new virgin material.

Technical Specification:

Product: Miko RPC
Description: Recycled Polymer Compound
Appearance: Mixed colour

Material source Recycled HDPE/PP
Colour of material source Mixed
HDPE 60–80 %
PP 40–20 %
Moisture content <=0.3 %
PET 0,1 %
Others <=500 ppm
Temperature range -30C–40 °C


WPC™ is a range of paperroll securing products, made from 100% recycled PO Polyethylen/Polypropylen and wood fibre material.

  • No new fossil resources are used.
  • No waste or emissions are created during production.
  • Production implies low energy consumption.
  • Wood fibre benefits:
    • replace and reduce the polymer used.
    • increase the tensile strength.
    • increased tensile strength means less total material use.
  • Closed loop system where material is re-used for new products.

Technical Specification:

Product: Miko WPC™
Description: Wood Polymer Composite
Appearance: Mixed colour

Material source Wood fibre / recycled HDPE/PP
Colour of material source Mixed
Wood fiber 10–50 %
HDPE 40–50 %
PP 10–30 %
Moisture content <=0.3 %
PET 0,1 %
Others <=500 ppm
Temperature range -30C–40 °C

Støpsel i plas til lavinesøker

Sknow Digital Avalanche Safety

Miko Plast AS is proud to provide plastic-know-how and machined components for Think Outsides SKNOW (Sknow Digital Avalanche Safty) Project. https://thinkoutside.no


Think Outside